Send Invoices


This activity is used to send invoice messages to customers using EDI, MHS or E-INVOICE media code. Select the Send Invoice to open the Send Invoice dialog from relevant page.


Media Code Used Prerequisites
  • A customer invoice of the state Preliminary must exist.
  • The Default option must be enabled in the Customer/Message Setup tab for a row with the INVOIC message class.
  • Extended Server must have been installed.
  • A customer invoice of the state Preliminary must exist.
  • The Default option must be selected in the Customer/Message Setup tab for a row with the message class INVOIC.
  • E-INVOICE must be selected as the media code for a row in the Customer/Message Setup tab.
  • A person record must have been entered in the Person page for the user ID that is used to log into IFS at the time of carrying out this activity.
  • Information must have been entered for the company in the Company/Invoice/Document Management tab.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the following system effects would take place.

Media Code Used System Effect
  • An invoice message is sent to the customer.
  • Vouchers for the invoices sent are created and transferred to the Hold Table in Accounting Rules.
  • An invoice message is sent to the customer.
  • Vouchers for the invoices sent are created and transferred to the Hold Table in Accounting Rules.
  • The status of the invoice will change to PostedAuth (unless one or more posting and/or send errors occur, in which case, the status of the invoice would be Printed.
  • The send status of the invoice will change to Transferred, and the date and time at which the invoice was sent will be automatically entered in the Sent Time field in the Sent Invoices page. (Note: If the IFS is unable to send the invoice to IFS/Connect, the send status would be Error and the invoice will be displayed in the Customer Invoices with Errors page.)
  • An invoice image will be created and checked into IFS/Document Management based on the information specified in the Company/Invoice/Document Management tab.
  • If any attachments were connected in the Send Invoices dialog, they will be saved in IFS/Document Management or in IFS/Invoice (i.e. if IFS/Document Management is not installed).

The sending invoice(s) would be carried out as a background job if it is performed from the Print Invoice page.