Change Transaction


This activity is used to make changes to the transactions that for some reason has wrong Job Cost Details created or no Job Cost Details at all. This could happen for example if there is an issue with the parameters when the time was reported.

When changes are done to the transactions this could affect the details in different ways. For example, a change of Resource or any parameter that is used for the selection could have an impact on which rate agreement should be used or which lines should be fetched. Because of this the job cost details in most cases needs to be deleted and recreated. In some cases, this will happen automatically, and in some cases not.

The following changes of a Project Transaction will delete the existing details (both automatically and manually created) and trigger a new calculation automatically:

Corresponding fields in Work Task Transaction:

Any change to the field Internal Quantity in a Project Transaction or Quantity in Work Task Transaction, will also delete the automatically created job cost details, and trigger a recalculation of those. The difference in this case is that any manual rows won't get deleted, they will only be updated with correct quantity.

There is exceptions to this behavior and this is when Weekly Rates and Blended Overtime are used in the result. In this case all details for the whole period will be deleted and the calculation needs to be restarted manually.

If any of the details that is connected to the transaction has been transferred to payroll or if it has been cost accounted, it is not allowed to edit the transaction directly. Any change will then have to be handled with correction transactions. For "correction" transactions the same job cost details will be created as in the "corrected" transaction, but with reversed quantity. It is not allowed to modify the job cost details of "corrected" or "correction" transactions. The "recreated" transaction will have all Job Cost Details added as an exact copy. Any new job cost details will have to be added to the recreated transaction.


System Effects