Review Transactions


This activity is used to review the transactions after Job Cost Calculation is run.

When all details are created through the Job Cost Calculation, the amounts will be summarized, and the source transaction will be updated. In Project transaction the Internal Amount will be updated and in Work Task Transaction the Total Cost is updated. There is a column called "Job Costing Updated" at the transaction, which indicates that the Internal Amount/Total Cost is updated with the sum of the job cost details. The value in this column can be the following:

If Job Cost Details exists, it is not possible to change the internal price directly on the project transaction. If any changes need to be done to the Internal Price, the user instead must add manual job cost details.

Any price adjustment or overhead cost will be added upon the updated Internal Price or Total Cost. For project transaction where no job cost details are created, a change of the price adjustment triggers an update of the internal price according to the existing price list. This update is not done for transactions with existing Job Cost Details, which also means that the details won't be deleted and recalculated.



System Effects
