Indicate the Level of Automatic Consolidation


This activity is used to define the level of consolidation to be used for transport tasks at your site or warehouse. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

The automatic consolidation at your site can be defined for some different levels:



Part By

Consolidation can be done for all parts, for a specific part or per specific configuration.

Source By

Consolidation can be done regardless of the source of the transport, per order ref1 or for the full order reference.

From Location By

Consolidation for the from location on the transport task can be done for any of the levels in the warehouse structure.

To Location By

Consolidation for the to location on the transport task can be done for any of the levels in the warehouse structure.

The automatic consolidation at your warehouse can be defined for some different levels:



From Location By

Consolidation for the from-location on the transport task can be done for any of the levels in the warehouse structure.

To Location By

Consolidation for the to-location on the transport task can be done for any of the levels in the warehouse structure.

Note: It is optional to define automatic consolidation at your warehouse. The warehouse inherits the automatic consolidation defined on the site. But if the user defines automatic consolidation on the warehouse it will override the automatic consolidation defined on the site.
When applying consolidation rules for handling units transport tasks will be consolidated in a way so that handling unit is preserved while using the existing consolidation parameters. This will be the default behavior for consolidation of transport tasks with handling units.

Another thing that affect consolidation is the Transport Task Capacity setup in Handling Unit Types. Every time a transport task reaches the capacity for a certain handling unit it will create a new one. The full transport tasks will be set to Fixed in order not to consolidate further.


System Effects

The automatic consolidation of transport tasks per site and warehouse is defined.