Create Count Report


This activity is used to create inventory lists that are used when performing a physical inventory count. Inventory count can be performed only for picking, floor stock and production line location types.Parts with planning methods O, K and T cannot be counted.The system creates a count report that can be printed from the Report Archive

The Advanced feature enables you to specify additional selection criteria, e.g. whether the part are company owned or customer owned, and the project ID, on which the inventory parts will be included in the count report, how handling units should be included. 

hThe Default feature enables you to use the default settings. Default settings are derived from the Task Registration page in IFS Admin, which is set by the administrator. 

You can either create a count report directly, or schedule the task as a background job.

Note: If you want to specify additional selection criteria, use Advanced section. You can, for example, do the following:
You can limit the contents to parts using cyclic counting, determine whether the parts should be frozen during counting. You can split a create count report per warehouse using the One Report Per Warehouse option. You can even use wildcards to indicate the project inventories that are to be included by entering appropriates values in the Project ID field.

If you want to exclude any parts use Exclude Stock section. You can, for example exclude parts that are company owned, customer owned, parts belonging to project/standard inventory, or parts attached or not attached to handling unit. 

You can do selections related to handling units using Handling Unit section. e.g. handling unit type to include, if the complete top level handling unit should be included regardless of other selections.


System Effects