Enter Purchased Inventory Part, Main


The procedure below is the first of a number of procedures that might be needed in order to initiate and later on, complete the registration of a purchased inventory part on the Inventory Part page. The header fields are mandatory, whereas not all the other information might be required on all occasions. Depending on the area of use of the inventory part, you might need to specify some values, but not all. Some of the other fields are optional, as outlined in the Procedures below.

When entering an inventory part for multi-site ordering, the ordering/receiving site, the part type must be set to Purchased. The site for the inventory part should be the ordering/receiving site.


System Effects

The initial mandatory information for a purchased inventory part is entered into the system.

When the inventory part is created, it inherits any default warranty types defined for the part catalog part.

Make entries with inventory parts throughout the system, e.g., spare parts for equipment objects, material requirements for PM actions and work orders, etc.