Create Transport Task


A transport task is a way to inform either the truck driver or the stacker that goods need to be transferred to a different inventory location. Transport tasks are handled differently in different parts of IFS Cloud. In most parts of IFS/Inventory, for example, transport tasks can be used for all kinds of goods.


You can create new transport tasks from the Transport Task page.

Note: You can also create transport tasks using the Move to New Transport Task command on the the Transport Task, Transport Task Lines, and Handling Units on Transport Tasks page.

At Receipt

You can create a transport task in Receipt from the following pages: the Receipt page, the Move Into QA page, and the Move Into Stock page.

The creation of transport tasks is also done by triggering the Putaway function.

In Inventory

From the Transport Task page in IFS/Inventory, you can move goods between different inventory locations. Specify the part ID, any new site, and the new inventory location. There are two default moving methods from which to choose, either Move to Inventory (if the goods are being moved within the site) or Move to Transit (if the goods are being moved to a different site, or when it is known that the move will take an unusually long time). 

However, when an analysis of parts is required in IFS/Quality Management, the parts cannot be moved into inventory before the analysis is confirmed.

Transport tasks can also be created via Kanban.

When creating a transport task it is possible to not only set the from-location and the to-location for the transport task line or handling unit, but also to set a forward-to location number. If a forward-to location number is entered, it will result in a new transport task when the transport task is executed. The new transport task will have the to-location from the executed transport task line or handling unit as the from-location and, the forward-to location will be the to-location for the automatically created transport task. If the option  Auto Assign Drop-off Location on Manual Transport Task is enabled and a drop-off location exists between the from and to location, the to-location will automatically be changed to the forward-to location and the drop-off location will be the to-location on the transport task line or handling unit when the line is saved. Drop-off location can be defined for parts on the Warehouse Navigator/General tab on warehouse and bay level. Drop-off locations on warehouse level are used when moving a part or handling unit between two warehouses. On bay level, it is used when moving between bays within the same warehouse.

Additional information

On the Aggregated tab in Transport Task page, you can add, modify and delete handling units in the transport task. This tab is also used to perform activities like pick and execute transport task lines, aggregated either per handling unit or per location. By performing an activity on an aggregated level, all the content for that line is affected.

The outermost handling units are shown by default, if an activity should be performed for a sub-level of a handling unit structure it is possible to view all handling units included on the transport task by clicking Show All option.

Lines that do not refer to a handling unit, only to a location, represent single transport task lines grouped per location. They could be transport task lines not packed in handling units or transport task lines to be moved out of a handling unit (partial reservation of handling unit).

Once the task is executed the data will no longer be visible on the Aggregated tab.

On the Compiled View tab you can view common information for all transport task lines and handling units on the transport task. Once the task has been executed the handling unit information will no longer be visible on this tab.


System Effects