Enter Pre-Posting, Quotation Order Line


Whenever a financial transaction takes place in the system the postings concerning it are created by the predefined posting types and rules defined in IFS/Accounting Rules. This means that you do not have to do anything manually as long as you have defined your rules correctly.

However, sometimes you want to decide a code part value, depending on specific order information, i.e., you choose not to decide a rule for this code part for all posting types affected or it is not possible to decide a rule. In these cases, you must manually establish the relationship between the code part and the order or order line by entering a pre-posting connected to the order or the order line. The code part value that you enter as a pre-posting for the order or order line will then affect several postings created for this order or order line. One example where pre-posting is used is customer orders where you often want the postings to include a specific project in the code part Project for all postings concerning the selling. Another example is a purchase order where you want the postings for purchasing to charge a specific Cost Center.

The postings that will be affected by the pre-posting are generally all postings concerning expenses, revenues, and WIP. This is determined in Business Event/Posting Info where you can see whether a posting for a specific system event is affected by the pre-posting on the order, or order line, or not.

Basic financial data and sets of rules for IFS Cloud are managed in the IFS/Accounting Rules. Besides the regular rules you also have to define whether you want to use the pre-posting functionality in IFS/Accounting Rules. This is done by entering a specific posting type for each order type (see Prerequisites) and what code parts for which it should be possible to enter pre-posting.

If you try to enter a pre-posting for an order or order line and have not entered the use of pre-posting in IFS /Accounting Rules you will receive a message that tells you that pre-posting is not entered for this order type in the posting control. Initiate the pre-posting function in the Posting Control. Indicate the appropriate posting type for the code parts you intend to alter.

The pre-posting can either be entered on the header or the line. The advantage of using the pre-posting on the header is that the pre-posting value is valid for the lines as well. However, this assumes the lines are added afterwards. If both header and lines are already entered, you must do the pre-posting on each line.


System Effects

A relation is established between the code part and the quotation order line by entering a pre-posting connected to the quotation order. The code part value that you enter as an pre-posting for the quotation order line will then affect several postings created for this quotation order line. The postings that will be affected by the pre-posting are generally all postings concerning expenses, revenues, and WIP.