Report Picking, Shipment Handling Units


This activity pick reports shipment handling units according to how they have been planned in the shipment handling unit structure. This is useful when you plan the shipment handling unit structure in advance, then pick and pack the parts physically using a pack list and ultimately pick report the entire shipment handling unit as planned, instead of reporting it per part and quantity. Any deviation to the content of a handling unit has to be handled in the report picking on a detailed level.

If pick reporting by shipment handling unit, it is recommended to enable option Keep Remaining Reservation at Partial Picking for the Shipment Type. Otherwise, reservations attached to multiple shipment handling units will be unattached and unreserved.


 If a shipment handling unit contains one of the following parts, it will need to be pick reported from the Details tab:

System Effects

The shipment handling unit(s) will be pick reported, and thereby placed in the shipment inventory.