Cost Variance by Work Center


This activity is used to view the cost variances for operations reported at a selected work center over a specified time period using the Cost Variance By Work Center page.The page shows the part, site, routing revision, alternative, and operation of all operations reported at the work center over the time range, as well as the expected and actual routing costs.

From here, you can also access the Operation History and Labor History pages showing all connected shop order operation reports.

You can set a date range at Query Conditions section and use Calculate command to perform the comparison.

The Comparison tab is used to analyze machine, labor, and subcontracting costs for a work center. You can also compare actual costs to standard costs.

The Overview Operations tab is used to analyze operations tied to the orders included in the calculation.

The Overview Parts tab is used to analyze parts tied to the orders included in the calculation.

The Cost Variance Graph tab is used to view a graph showing cost variances.


The work center should be existing and at least one shop order operation must have been reported during the date range included in Query Conditions, to view the results.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you can view the cost variances for operations reported at a selected work center over a specified time period.