Create MRB Disposition Items


This activity is used to enter or edit information for one or more disposition items associated with a particular material review board (MRB) case. The MRB disposition details the quantity of material to be inspected, the suggested action and some explanatory text. When the disposition item is dispositioned, the material may be accepted or scrapped.

First a disposition item with an appropriate disposition code is created using the new command on the Disposition tab. A disposition note can also be entered. Then click Disposition Part(s) to select the quantity of the particular part that needs to be dispositioned on the disposition item. If you enter a disposition quantity which is greater than the MRB quantity in the header, an error message will be displayed.

A report describing the MRB action taken can be printed by clicking Print Disposition Report on the Disposition tab or Print MRB Report in the header. This will list the MRB case, part (including serial, lot/batch, WDR, etc.), site, disposition code, disposition description, quantity and disposition note. Each disposition is printed on a separate page. The disposition code and description are printed in a heading with the disposition note and total quantity. Tracking information is entered on the lines with the quantity per tracked part.


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