Manual Issue Operations Material


This activity is used to manually issue material for the material lines linked to the selected operations. This means that you select the inventory locations from which you want to issue the material. When you manually issue material, you can control how much is to be issued and from which inventory locations. 

When performing a manual issue, the supply code of the shop order material line will be considered when showing the available stock. When the supply code is Inventory Order, only the standard inventory is available to issue. If the supply code is Project Inventory, only the project inventory of the project connected to the shop order is available to issue.

You do not have to issue material to begin manufacturing; you also can issue it automatically when you receive the completed parts into inventory.

You do not have to reserve material before issuing. However, if catch unit is enabled for the part, the catch quantity should be entered if issue do not make quantity on hand go to zero.

To perform this activity, select one or several operations in the Dispatch List section, click Issue and then Issue Operation Material Manually:

The quantity to issue for each material line is distributed using formula:
Quantity to Issue on Material line is calculated accordingly:
Remaining to Issue for a material line / Remaining to issue for all included material lines in the operations selection * Total Quantity to Issue

Remaining to Issue for a material line is calculated as:
Required Quantity - Issued Quantity

Example: 3 operations are all selected together for the same component:

  Required Quantity Issued Quantity
Operation A 120 20
Operation B 120 0
Operation C 120 70

User enters 100 as Quantity to Issues.

The distribution for the material on each operation will be calculated as follow:

Operation A 100 / (100+120+50) * 100 = 37.03704
Operation B 120 / (100+120+50) * 100 = 44.44444
Operation C 50 / (100+120+50) * 100 = 19.51852


The selected operations' component parts requires that:

System Effects

The following system effects will take place as a result of this activity.