Print Barcode Labels from Shop Order


Use this activity to print barcode labels after a shop order has been released. The information on the barcode label for a single part includes the part number, lot/batch number, W/D/R number, pack size, serial number, engineering change level, package ID, and barcode. The system randomly assigns the barcode ID.

When you print barcode labels, a dialog appears. If a default value has already been registered for the part, this dialog automatically displays the standard pack size. Otherwise, you must enter this value in the dialog. When the lot size or received quantity is not a multiple of the pack size, it gives a warning message "Total quantity is not a multiple of the pack size. Do you still want to continue?" allowing you to accept or change the pack size. The system uses this value to calculate the quantity of barcode labels that it will print.

Example: A part has an order quantity of fifty, and you enter a standard pack size of ten. The system performs the calculation and prints five barcode labels. If serial tracking is used, the standard pack size is one, and the system prints fifty barcode labels.

Serial numbers also must be reserved. At different times, you can reprint as many barcode labels as desired. The system assigns a barcode ID each time you reprint the barcode labels.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system prints bar code labels for parts according to the standard or user-specified pack size. It prints bar code labels for pallets according to the pallet ID.