Report Production Schedule Progress Point


This activity is used to report production that was performed at a defined progress point. You cannot report more production than was reported at a previous progress point, i.e., quantities must be reported through each progress point defined.

To perform this activity from Production Schedule by Line or Production Schedule by Part pages, select the relevant production schedule line and click Report.

To perform this activity from Production Schedule Progress Point Reporting page, select the relevant report point and click Report Quantity

In the Report Production Schedule assistant:

If the parent part comprises of one or more catch unit (CU) enabled component parts, you must first reserve the catch unit enabled components. 

Note: Labor and operation setup time for each receipt is calculated as;
[(setup time/standard lot size)*receipt quantity]
If standard lot size is not defined, then the total setup time will be reported for every receipt. 


This activity requires that the production schedule exists. A part must be associated with a production line. Production schedule progress points must be defined for the production line.  

System Effects