Receive Production Schedule


This activity is used to report production has been completed and received into inventory from a production schedule. Optionally you can also attach the received parts into handling units.

To perform this activity from Production Schedule by Line or Production Schedule by Part pages, select the relevant production schedule line and click Report.

To perform this activity from Production Schedule Receipt page, optionally select the relevant inventory stock record, then click Receive

In the Report Production Schedule assistant:

Note: Labor and operation setup time for each receipt is calculated as;
[(setup time/standard lot size)*receipt quantity]
If standard lot size is not defined, then the total setup time will be reported for every receipt.

Note: If the inventory part has the structure effectivity set to serial, only numeric values can be reserved as serial numbers. You cannot reserve serial numbers that already exist in Part Serial or that are reserved on another order.

Note: Repetitive production only creates information for serial structures at the time of receipt. It will not use information for components that are not serial tracked, or components that are issued or backflushed earlier than receipt, such as at report points. There will be no as-built structures created.


System Effects