Change Catalog Number
This activity is used to change the catalog number for an entry in the template
If Complex Assembly MRO is used:
Catalog numbers are used to generate position parts for the template structure.
The structure that is transferred to Manufacturing is based on these position
parts. Position parts operate as a placeholder for the set of parts (prime part
and alternates) that are valid for a particular position in the structure. Following
rules apply when changing the catalog number:
- The catalog number must be unique within the structure of the overhaul
object. The system will check whether position parts based on the new catalog
number exist for the template.
- The position part that is generated for the structure entry is not used
in manufacturing or is used in product and routing structures that are not
in status Tentative, Plannable, or Buildable.
- The position part is not included in a released work scope.
To identify valid parts for a given position, alternates are required to
have the same catalog number as the prime part. Note: The catalog number
is applied to the structure position, and is the same regardless of which part
is installed in the structure position. However, an alternate, e.g., template
part, can have a separate catalog number, and the structure position within
that template can have their own catalog number. Following rules apply:
- If the alternate has a catalog number that is not the same as the prime
part's catalog number, no new position part is created and no structure
line is created in the transfer. If the alternate part has a different catalog
number, the transfer does not use this catalog number in the creation of
the structure. The alternate's catalog number is only used if the alternate
part is the prime part in another template structure.
- If the alternate has a structure, all structure entries should have
a catalog number.
- If the catalog number of a structure entry is the same as the catalog
number of the corresponding structure entry for the prime part, a position
part or a structure line is created. If the same catalog number is used
for the structure entry of the prime part and alternate, the structure positions
and quantities should also be same.
- If the catalog number of a structure entry is not the same as the catalog
number of the corresponding structure entry for the prime, a new position
part is created and a new structure line is added as a child to the position
part created for the prime part.
- If the Allow Non Unique Catalog Numbers option is enabled, the
new catalog number must be unique within the template and all templates
above and below in the structure.
If Complex Assembly MRO is used:
- The position part must not be used in a tentative, plannable, or buildable
product and routing structure.
- The position part must not be included in a released work scope.
- Alternate part structures must have the same structure position and
same quantity if they have the same catalog number. This is due to the lookup
that finds the assumed serial during the disassembly of shop orders in Manufacturing.
System Effects
- To reflect changes in manufacturing structures, the top part can be
retransferred to manufacturing.
- When the template structure is retransferred:
- A new position part is created for the new catalog number.
- The position part reference in Part Catalog is updated and all the
position parts based on the old catalog number will be deleted.