Master Scheduling Messages

The table below describes the action messages displayed by the master scheduling system.

Message Description
Actual demand is past due (late shipment). Generated anytime that the real demand in the form of customer orders, material requisitions, etc. is past due, relative to the master scheduling run date.
Allocated exceeds on hand. Generated when the quantity allocated or demanded is greater than the quantity on hand in inventory.
Distribution order not created. If the planned due date of the distribution order is a date earlier than the current date, the distribution order will not be created.
Forecast consumed outside the forecast consumption window. Generated when the forecast is consumed by actual or planned demand, outside the consumption window defined by the user for the part.
Forecast ignored within demand time-frame. If forecast is found inside demand time fence, it is ignored since only the actual demand is considered inside the demand time fence.
Imported forecast/plan demand is less than consumed forecast. Generated when the forecast imported from the demand planning component is less than the existing consumed forecast for a given day.
Insufficient supply, MTR excluded from planning Generated when there is insufficient supply for the MTR. Therefore the MTR is excluded from the project master scheduling calculation.
Insufficient unconsumed forecast/supply to satisfy actual demand. Distribution order not created. Generated when the supply site does not have sufficient forecast or supply to meet the demand from the demand site.
Insufficient unconsumed forecast to satisfy actual demand. Generated when the unconsumed forecast is not sufficient to meet the actual demand.
Insufficient unconsumed Forecast to satisfy Actual Demand. For MS parts with the Available to Promise promise method, There are actual demands without enough unconsumed supply to consume.
Insufficient unconsumed supply to satisfy actual demand. Generated when the unconsumed supply is not sufficient to meet the actual demand.
Max rate exceeded in the period. Generated when the maximum rate is exceeded when generating a master schedule receipt.
Min lot size > max cap/day. Generated when the minimum lot size defined in inventory part is greater than the maximum capacity defined for level 1 master scheduled part.
MS not executed. Part status is set to demands not allowed in supply site. Master scheduling calculation was not completed for this part as the inventory part in the supply site has the Demands Not Allowed part status, which is not correct.
MS not executed. Part status is set to supplies not allowed. Master scheduling calculation was not completed for this part, as the inventory part has the Supplies Not Allowed part status, which is not correct.
MS-plan is within the planned time-frame. Generated when a master schedule receipt is found between the demand and planning time fence.
MS plan moved within PTF because of safety lead time. Generated when a master schedule receipt is moved between the demand and planning time fence due to consideration of safety lead time. This message only comes when part has safety lead time defined.
Negative projected available. Generated when the projected balance goes negative due to insufficient supply.
No buildable structure/revision exists for alternate *. Generated when planning a master schedule level 1 for a manufacturing part that has no valid product structure. A shop order requisition is not generated.
On hand is below the safety stock. Generated when the quantity on hand in inventory falls below safety stock defined for the part in Inventory Part Planning Data.
Order gap time was not considered in the period. Generated when the remaining receipts load on to the forecast date without considering the order gap time. This will happen when the master scheduling planner meets the planning time fence when going backwards in time from the forecast date, to create master scheduling receipts according to the order gap time and max lot size specified in the inventory part.
Past due released or firm planned SO. Generated anytime that a shop order supply is past due relative to the run date.
Projected balance is below safety stock. Generated when the projected balance falls below the safety stock defined in inventory.
Projected balance is below time phased safety stock. Generated when the projected balance falls below the time phased safety stock defined for the period.
The system generated MS-plan has been set to zero within the planned time limit. Generated when the system generated master schedule receipts are set to zero inside the planning time fence.