Report Flight Information


This activity is used to report information about a flight such as the take off and landing times, deviations and utilization (operational loggings) once the flight is completed. This information is usually entered by a pilot on a flight log that is defined for the vehicle. The flight log can contain information on one or more flights, where a single record is defined for each flight on the vehicle. For more information on how to report a flight log, refer the activity Report Flight Log.

On the flight log an operational plan ID must be entered to define which flight the vehicle has completed. This value can be entered manually or by using the operational plans predefined in IFS/Vehicle Information Management. If the field is left blank when saving, the system will automatically generate an operational plan ID which serves as an identifier for the flight. If an operator designator is defined in basic data, this value will be used when auto-generating the operational plan ID.

If predefined operational plans are used, the OPER_LOG_SEV_EVENTS object property will be used to validate if the same operational event can be entered several times for one operational plan ID (flight). The following settings are available for this object property:

To enter general information on a flight:

To report any operational disruptions on the flight:


System Effects

As a result of this activity, information pertaining to the flights operated within a day will be reported in the flight log. Operational loggings (utilization) can be reported on the flight.