PM Group/Merge

Group and Merge of PM Actions

Group and Merge functionality is especially useful on PM actions that for some reason can benefit from being executed together with other PM actions within same work order instead of being handled separately. This can be PM actions that look very similar to each other in the execution phase and/or have same need of resource requirements and material requirements.

This functionality provides the possibility to build up work orders from one or several PM actions in a flexible manner. A work order generated for several PM actions can contain just grouped PM actions, grouped and merged PM actions or a mix of both types.


Grouping of PM actions can be done based on two criteria.

If using the PM Grouping Rule on PM actions, the PM actions with same values for grouping rule parameters defined and that fall due at same time will be generated into one work order. This will result in all work list lines planned on the PM actions becoming work tasks on the generated work order.

Examples for Grouping Rule

Due Date


Rule ID


Work Order



June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1

§  Work List line 2



§  Work Task 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task 2 (PM1)

§  Work Task 1 (PM2)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for grouping will be grouped together into work tasks on the work order.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1


June 1

PM 3

§  Work List line 1



§  Work Task 1 (PM3)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for grouping but not have any other PM action to be grouped with will be generated into a separated work order with a work task.

June 7

PM 4

§  Work List line 1



§  Work Task 1 (PM4)

NOTE: When Grouping PM actions using a PM Grouping Rule, PM actions grouped through a grouping rule will always create a new work order resulting all work list lines planned on the PM actions becoming work tasks on the generated work order.

If using the PM Group on PM actions, the PM actions with same group defined and that fall due at same time will be generated into same work order. This will result in all work list lines planned on the PM actions becoming work tasks on the generated work order.

Examples for Group

Due Date


PM Group

Work Order



June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1

§  Work List line 2



§  Work Task 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task 2 (PM1)

§  Work Task 1 (PM2)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for grouping will be grouped together into work tasks on the work order.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1


June 1

PM 3

§  Work List line 1



§  Work Task 1 (PM3)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for grouping but not have any other PM action to be grouped with will be generated into a separated work order with a work task.

June 7

PM 4

§  Work List line 1



§  Work Task 1 (PM4)


To use merge functionality on a PM action will also require for a PM group to be defined. If so the PM actions with same group defined and the merge flag set will be merged into same work task on the work order. This is as long as they fall due at same time and that they fulfill all criteria for a merge.

Some other requirements that allows a PM action to be part of a merge;

When a merge takes place, it will result in all work list lines planned on the PM actions to become work task steps on the same merge task of the generated work order. If there is anything that prevents a merge from taking place between PM actions, they will still be grouped together, if they all fulfill the criteria to be grouped.

Examples for Merge

Due Date


PM Group


Work Order


June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1




§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM2)


PM actions that fulfill the criteria for both group and merge will be merged together into work task steps within same work task on the work order.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1



June 1

PM 3

§  Work List line 1




§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM3)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for both group and merge but not have any other PM action to be merged with will be generated into a separated work order with work task step in a work task.

June 7

PM 4

§  Work List line 1




§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM4)

It can also be situations where there are some PM actions with just a group specified and other ones with both a group specified and the merge flag set. The result can then be a work order with both grouped and merged PM actions included.

NOTE: When a PM Grouping Rule is defined on a PM action, the Merge flag will automatically be set to disable, and cannot be used together with a Rule ID.

Examples for mix Group and Merge

Due Date


PM Group


Work Order


June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1




§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM2)

§  Work Task 1 (PM3)

PM actions that fulfill the criteria for just group or both group and merge will be merged together into work task steps within same work task or just grouped as separate work tasks on the work order.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1



June 1

PM 3

§  Work List line 1



Allow PM actions to Group/Merge into an open work Order

When a PM action is generated there is a possibility to apply to an open work order if there is any available and they will match together. This means that more PM actions that are related to each other can be grouped and merged together and by that the amount of generated work orders can be reduced.

The work order to apply to cannot yet be started and it must belong to same group as the PM action to fall due. The dates for execution should also match between the PM action and the work order.

If a PM action applies to an existing work order, all existing work tasks and work task steps on the work order will be kept as they are, i.e. any new work tasks or work task steps from PM actions will be added as an addition.

In cases where it is important that a work order should be left intact, there is a flag available on the work order that prevent any new PM actions to be grouped or merged with this work order.

Examples for PM actions into open work order

Due Date


PM Group


Open Work Order

Work Order


June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1



WO (with correct conditions)

§  Work Task 1

§  Work Task 2


§  Work Task 1

§  Work Task 2

§  Work Task 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task 1 (PM2)

Generated PM actions can apply to an existing WO that is not yet started and that fulfill the conditions for group together with the PM actions to be generated.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1



June 1

PM 1

§  Work List line 1



WO (with correct conditions)

§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1

§  Work Task Step 2


§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1

§  Work Task Step 2

§  Work Task (Merge)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM1)

§  Work Task Step 1 (PM2)

Generated PM actions can apply to an existing WO that is not yet started and that fulfill the conditions for group and merge together with the PM actions to be generated.

June 1

PM 2

§  Work List line 1



NOTE: When there is only a grouping rule set on the PM action, Merge functionality will not be applicable when generating the work order.