Use this activity to enter parameters required to control the PM actions for which you want to generate work orders. To generate work orders based on a calendar, you need to enter the site, week, and maintenance organization. All preventive maintenance actions, which have been defined for calendar-based generation, will generate work orders for the chosen week and maintenance organization. In order to generate for all maintenance organizations, do not enter any maintenance organization in the respective field. Optionally, you can select connection types Equipment, Linear Asset or Tool/Equipment to generate work orders for the one of these object types. If connection type field left blank, WO is generated on the all preventive maintenance records if it fulfills the other criteria.
The calendar generation will be run as a background
job. It is also possible to split the background job into multiple jobs to
minimise the number of PM actions included in a single execution. For a better
execution time, a user with administrative rights can enable the parallel
execution of the multiple background jobs.
As a result of this activity, all PM actions defined for calendar-based generation, will automatically generate work orders for the chosen week, site, maintenance organization and the connection type. The generation is done as a background job. All the generated work orders will be available for further preparations along with other regular work orders.
If Splitting Parameters are selected, there will be
several background jobs created, based on the selected parameter or combination
of parameters accordingly.