Move DOP Order


This activity is used to move some or all of the component DOP orders and their structures from a specific parent DOP order to a new parent DOP order.

DOP order components are moved using the Move DOP Structure dialog. To access the dialog when all component DOP orders should be moved click Change Structure/Routing, then Move Branch on the DOP Order page. To access the dialog when some or a specific component DOP order should be moved click Move Branch(es) on the Component tab on the DOP Order page. In the dialog enter the DOP order ID for the new parent DOP order.

It is also possible to execute these tasks from the DOP Header page when expanding the tree structure in order to display the DOP order. You can also use the drag-and-drop functionality to move component DOP orders in the tree structure.

Note: You may not move a DOP structure to a structure with another DOP ID or to a DOP order having a DOP order part or higher-level DOP order parts that are included in the DOP structure being moved.


This activity requires that:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: