Cancel Maintenance Event
This activity is used to cancel a planned or running maintenance event. When
an event is in the Incomplete or Under Preparation status, the
event can be canceled without any additional validations. However, when the
event is in either the Released or Started status, the status
of the underlying task cards will be used to determine whether the event can
be canceled or not. In such instances, it is only possible to cancel an event
if the underlying task cards are in the New, Released, Work
Started or Canceled statuses and no transactions have been performed
against the task card.
To cancel a planned or running maintenance event, click Status and
then click Cancel from the Manage Maintenance Event
page. If the event is in either the Released or Started status,
the Cancellation dialog opens. If the event is in a status other
than Released, Started, Work Done or Finished, the
event will be canceled directly.The information entered in the Cancellation
Comment field in the dialog will be included in the CRS Documentation: Work
Canceled report.
Note: It is also possible to cancel an event from the
Manual Maintenance Event page.
- A valid cancellation cause must have been defined in basic data.
- You need to have access to the cancellation cause.
System Effects
- The event is canceled and the status of the event set to New.
This event is disconnected from the current maintenance order.
- If the event was in the Planned in Scope, Incomplete or
Under Preparation status prior to canceling, cancellation history will
not be generated.
- If the event was in either the Released or Started status
prior to canceling, a history record will be generated in the Maintenance
Event Cancellation History. The event will be shown as a Canceled
event on the maintenance order. If the canceled event is distributed with
the distribution type Work Order or Execution Logic Structure,
an additional history record with the Canceled status will be generated
in the Historical Work Order in IFS/Work Order Management.
- The event becomes a pending event or a convenience task again and can
be redistributed.
- If the event is canceled on a maintenance order with the Execution
Logic Structure distribution type, the task cards for the event will
be removed automatically from the corresponding Execution Logic Structure
- If the serial is defined as a vehicle serial and the canceled event
is the last running event (i.e., no other events exist) for the serial,
the vehicle condition of the serial is automatically set to the vehicle
condition code defined with the auto setting Set when last Mx event is
finished. For more information, refer to the activity
Define Vehicle
- If the event being canceled is from a previous maintenance program or
from an obsolete modification, depending on the event type the due calculation
for interval maintenance or modification will run automatically for the
serial to calculate new due dates and values.