Spread Sorting on ELS Nodes


This activity is used to extend sorting values to the grouping and ELS nodes in the template. Once you have added sorting to the grouping criteria (refer the Define Sorting per Grouping Criteria activity), you can choose to extend the sorting defined for all grouping criteria or per criteria on the template.

It is possible to update and extend sorting once an ELS template is activated. The updated sorting value will only take effect for the next maintenance order and not for the maintenance orders which are currently in progress.

To extend all defined sorting on the template, select the option Spread All Sorting on ELS Nodes from the Define Execution Logic Structure Template page. To extend all sorting defined for a particular grouping criteria on the template, navigate to the Sorting per Grouping Criteria page from the Define Execution Logic Structure Template page and then from the relevant tab select the option Spread Sorting on ELS Nodes.


To perform this activity, sorting must be added to the grouping criteria of the ELS template. The template must be in the Under Preparation or Active status.

System Effects