View Resource Demand


This activity is used to view the resources (person groups and tool/equipment groups) required for the maintenance visit. When a task card or subtask is added to an event on the maintenance order, all connected resources will be retrieved. This makes it possible to view requirements as early as the planning stage of the visit.

When the visit has started and resources have been transferred to a work task, it is possible to allocate a person or tool to the transferred resource demands. In addition, it is possible to specify additional resource demands on the work task. When the work task is finished, the reported time and costs will be transferred back to the resources on the maintenance order (or serial order history if the maintenance order has been moved to history). If there are additional resource demands for which time has been reported, this information will also be transferred. Reported time and cost is summarized per resource group and task card or subtask.

The following table describes how resources are transferred back to the maintenance order when the work task is finished:

Action Transferred to Maintenance Order (or Serial Order History)
Time has been reported on a transferred resource demand (i.e., from the maintenance order) The corresponding resource demand line on the maintenance order will be updated with accumulated reported hours and costs.
A resource demand has been added to the work task and time reported A new resource demand line will be added to the maintenance order with accumulated reported hours and cost. If a demand already exists on the maintenance order for the resource ID, this demand line will be updated with accumulated reported hours and costs. Note: the planned quantity and planned hours = 0 for resource demands originating from the work task.
A transferred resource demand has been removed from the work task The original resource demand line will remain on the maintenance order with 0 reported hours and cost.

Planned and reported hours on resource demand lines can be used to analyze the actual utilization as opposed to planned utilization.

To view material demands, click the Resources tab from the Manage Maintenance Event page. If you are working with the Execution Logic Structure, select the relevant node in the graphical object structure from the Execution Logic Structure page and click the Resources tab.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, resource requirements can be viewed at an early stage of the maintenance visit. Reported time and costs can be viewed for the resources that have been utilized.