Change Maximum Amount/Quantity in Supplier Agreement


This activity describes how and where to change the maximum amount and quantities in a supplier agreement. There is one maximum amount for every specified period in the supplier agreement, a maximum quantity for each part line, and a maximum amount for each supplier agreement assortment line. (The quantity is converted into an amount by multiplying the quantity by the price and deduct any discounts.)

The maximum amount (or the purchase parts' entered maximum quantity) can be regarded in two different ways. Either you consider the maximum amount as a guideline for how much you are going to buy from the supplier, or you consider it as a limit that should not be exceeded. The Maximum Amount Option parameter is set in the Supplier Agreement/Genral tab and the options are: Exceed With Warning, Exceed Without Warning, and Do Not Exceed. If Do Not Exceed is selected from the Maximum Amount Option drop-down , it is impossible to use the supplier agreement for any purchase order lines that cause the total amount to exceed the amount specified in the supplier agreement. If any of the other two options are selected, it is possible to enter purchase order lines that exceed the amount. (If the option is Exceed With Warning, you will receive a warning message.)


System Effects

The system effects are dependent upon the value chosen in the Maximum Amount Option drop-down in the General tab.

If the maximum quantity for a part has been increased, it is possible to enter a larger minimum quantity in a part step pricing.

If the maximum amount for a supplier assortment has been increased, it is possible to enter a larger minimum amount in a supplier assortment step pricing.