About Project Deliverables

IFS Project Deliverables consists of Design,Plan, Create Material Supply, Ship, Install and Commission and Complete  processes.

Project Deliverable Items

The project deliverables structure is made up of project deliverable items. These items represent requirements in each component, like different systems, sub systems and end material. A project deliverable item has a unique item number. The item name and item description can be used for describing the requirement.

If the item represents a material then a part number will need to be attached once the design is complete. Parts can exist as an engineering part, inventory part, and/or purchase part.Part numbers can be entered, as long as the item is in planned state.Note, however, that an item can also be purchased as a No Part.

Project Deliverables Requirement

A project deliverable project starts with some defined main requirements, such as:

The main requirements can be further processed and serve as an important input for the design phase.

Project Deliverables Basic Structure

The design phase in IFS Project Deliverables starts with first creating a project deliverable definition and by defining a basic structure. Project deliverables definition can be created in the Project Deliverable Definition page. The basic structure consists of components with some general item information and default values:

The output of the above information, is called project deliverable basic structure. The next step is to define detailed information like parts and quantities.

Project Deliverables Detailed Structure

The basic structures can be further processed and part information added. These parts can be created as new with options like:

Parts can also be copied from PDM or product structure, product structure or be created by using an item configuration. A previously created deliverable structure can also be copied by using a copy item structure option. Information about quantities are also defined during the design phase.

The output of above information is called project deliverable detailed structure. The planning phase can start once all the detailed information (parts and quantities) have been defined.

Phantom Items

Phantom item is a "virtual item" that can be used to group together several project deliverable items, and its components. It is very similar to phantom parts in PDM. As phantom item is a "virtual item" only a phantom part can be entered as a part against it. If there is a phantom item in the product structure, the phantom level is ignored but takes the components of the phantom item as the real components when the shop orders and work orders are created.

Attribute Value Items

Attribute value items are used for grouping project deliverable items into a navigation model.

Planning Items

Planning items are used to plan the work needed, and should be processed to realize a project deliverable item. A project deliverable item can have many planning items. Consider the following examples:

Planning Items should be connected to a project activity. When the execution order is created from the planning item,it is also usually connected to the same project activity. There are different types of planning items according to the work that must be planned.

Material Plan

The material plan consists of planning items to for manufacturing and purchasing. The items representing material should have Material as the Item Type in order for it to create an entry on the material plan. The following is valid for the material plan:

Material plan consists of the following planning items:

Installation Plan

Project deliverable items have different planning items to plan different types of work. For installation work, as an example, work task planning items can be used. Work task planning items can be grouped together by the work package type and the connected project activity into a work package. When it is time to execute the work, the work tasks will be converted from the work package into a work order in task management. The costs are fed back to the project activity from the work order.

Shipment Plan

Project deliverable items have different planning items to plan different types of work. Shipment plan is one such planning item created to plan shipment related work. Users can create many shipment plans for one item until the total required quantity is covered. Usually one shipment line is created for one shipment plan, but if it is split at shipment level (for effective shipment handling), users can create another shipment line for remaining quantity or connect it to different shipment header from the shipment side.

The shipment plan acts as the source or the demand for the shipment line. At the same time, it can hold temporary reservations too until the shipment is created. (Use manual Reservations in the shipment plan.)

Project Connections and Default Values

The project connection can be given individually to different planning items. However, default values can be used if several planning items needs to be connected to the same activity sequence. If a default project activity is entered for an item it will automatically be used in the planning items created. However, if needed, it can be manually changed in the planning item. The default project activity is inherited to the child items too, if they do not have their own default activities. So, if a default activity is entered on a sub assembly item, it can be passed to all the child items and planning items easily.