Sharing Project Data using Primavera Gateway

Sharing Project Data using Primavera Gateway enables the possibility of synchronizing information between IFS Cloud and the Primavera P6 EPPM. The solution consists of sample synchronizations with data mappings and flows to support project planning and scheduling. End users can create own synchronizations based on the business flows created by the administrators. Project related master data such as Company, Calendar with exceptions, Activity Classes and Multi-level Resource Structure with resource rates can be shared. All information necessary for project planning purposes such as Project WBS, Dependencies, Constraints, Resource assignments, Activity Class Assignments can be transferred. Sharing master data from IFS to P6 and sharing project data for both directions is facilitated.

The following is a description of the exact fields and data types that are synchronized between IFS Cloud and Primavera. This document is divided into two sections: Import and Export, each section is then divided into Synchronizing Master Data and Synchronizing Project Data.

The Project Management module of Primavera is referred to as Primavera and IFS Cloud is referred to as IFS in this document.


Synchronizing Master Data

Project related master data such as Company, Calendar with exceptions, activity classes and multi-level resource structure with resource rates can be imported using Import All Master Data Synchronization.

Calendar Fields

   If there is a value in the Calendar field in the Import All Master Data Synchronization, that calendar will be created or updated in Primavera. The following fields are created or updated in Primavera when Calendars are imported:

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Calendar ID Calendar Name Calendars are created as global calendars in Primavera.
Schedule Workweek IFS calendars can have several schedules which are valid for different periods. The value for Schedule tab updates the Primavera calendar workweek.
Schedule Exceptions   The IFS schedule exceptions data is applied to the Primavera calendar.

Resource Fields

In Primavera, resources are organized in a resource structure that is common for all projects. When importing, the resources are placed in the Primavera resource structure under a top resource node that corresponds to the IFS Resource Structure. When resources are assigned to a project, the resources must be located under the top resource node corresponding to the IFS resource structure. The synchronization cannot handle resources that are not located under this resource structure.

If there is a value in Resource ID the Import All Master Data Synchronization, all resources corresponding to that IFS resource structure are imported. The following fields are created or updated in Primavera.


IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Resource ID Resource ID If it does not already exist, a node for the resource structure is created at the highest level in the Primavera resource structure. Then when a new resource is created, it is placed under primavera resource structure.

Note: The Resource ID must be unique within the entire Primavera resource structure.
Resource Description Resource Name  
  Resource Type New resources created through an import receive the value Labor by default. An update of an existing resource does not update this field.
Validity Period of Resource Detail/ General Cost/ Resource General Cost Effective Date When importing the periods for IFS cost to Primavera, the following is considered:
  • In IFS, periods are defined with both a start and finish date.
  • In Primavera, a period is only defined by its start date, and cost is specified for such a period.
Cost of Resource Detail/ General Cost/ Resource General Cost Price/Unit In IFS, the cost is always per hour. When importing, the value in the Price/Unit will be per hour (/h).


It is not possible to set the currency per project in Primavera. Therefore, the currency shown in the Primavera project may not at all correspond to the currency of the IFS project. The value is imported at face value without considering currency.

Resource cost will be sent to Primavera only if the cost is defined without specifying a site.

Activity Classes Fields

Global activity classes in IFS and its values are imported to activity codes and its values in Primavera.

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity Class Activity Code Global activity classes are imported.
Value Code Value  
Value Description Description  

Project Integration

Project data is imported from the Import All Project Data Synchronization.

Project Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Project ID IFS Project ID  
Project Name Project Name or WBS Name  
Project Description IFS Project Description This is a user defined field, grouped in the Projects subject area in Primavera. The text may need to be truncated.
Program ID EPS ID This field is not updated when updating an existing project in Primavera.

If creating a new Primavera project, and if the IFS project has a value for Program ID, there is a check if the corresponding EPS ID already exists. In Primavera, the EPS ID must be unique.
  • If the EPS ID already exists, the project is placed under this node.
  • If the EPS ID does not exist, a new EPS ID is created and placed under the EPS node corresponding to Company, and the project is placed under this node.
Program Description EPS Name  
Company EPS ID In Primavera the EPS ID must be unique.

When creating a new Primavera project, If the EPS ID already exists, the project is placed under this node.

Synchronization does not support, if the Company does not exist as a EPS ID in Primavera.
Company Name EPS Name  
(Project) Status (Project) Status The value in this field will be set as follows:
IFS Primavera
Initialized   Planned
Approved Active
Started Active
Completed Inactive
Closed Inactive
Cancelled Inactive
Earliest ES or Project Planned Start or System Date Project Planned Start

If the IFS project has a Planned Start date, then this date updates the Primavera Project Planned Start.

If the IFS project has no Planned Start date:
- If the IFS Project contains any activities, the earliest ES updates the Primavera Project Planned Start.
- If the IFS project does not have any activities, the system date updates the Primavera Project Planned Start.

Project Calendar Calendar Primavera project is updated with the IFS Calendar ID given that the calendar exists as a global calendar in Primavera.
Synchronization does not support, if the calendar does not exist as a global calendar in Primavera.

Note: To get consistent results for activity dates and durations, it is recommended to use the same calendar(and work hours/day) in IFS and Primavera.

Sub Project Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Sub Project ID WBS Code Note: IFS requires that the Sub Project ID is unique for the project, thus it is not possible to either import from or export to Primavera if there are non-unique WBS codes in the Primavera project.
Sub Project Description WBS Name Note: Primavera requires that all the WBS elements under one parent WBS element have unique WBS Names.
Parent Sub Project (or Project) ID Parent WBS Code


Activity Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity ID Activity ID If the activity ID is unique for the project, the IFS activity ID simply updates the Primavera field.

Note: In Primavera the activity ID must be unique for the whole Project whereas in IFS the activity ID need only be unique for the specific sub project that the activity belongs.
Activity Description Activity Name


Early Start Start


Early Finish Finish


Activity Milestone

The activity is a milestone when this option is enabled.
Activity Type When creating new activities in Primavera:
  • If the IFS activity is not an activity milestone, the default value for this field is Task Dependent.
  • If the IFS activity is an activity milestone:
  • -  If there is no constraint is imposed in IFS, the value for this field is Start Milestone.
    -  If there is a Start not earlier than constraint or Must Start on constraint is imposed on the IFS activity, the value for this field is Start Milestone.
    -  If there is an End not later than constraint or Must End on is imposed on the IFS activity, the value for this field is Finish Milestone.

When updating existing activities in Primavera: 

  • If the IFS activity is an activity milestone:
  • -  If the Primavera activity type is a Start Milestone, and the End not later than constraint or Must End on constraint is imposed on the IFS activity, then the value for this field is Finish Milestone.
    -  If the Primavera activity type is a Finish Milestone, and the Start not earlier than constraint or Must Start on constraint is imposed on the IFS activity, then the value for this field Start Milestone.
    -  If the Primavera activity type is a Start or a Finish Milestone and the constraint imposed is not Start on or after/ Mandatory start or Finish on or before/ Mandatory finish and the IFS activity has no constraint, then the constraint is not deleted in Primavera.
  • If the IFS activity is not an activity milestone:
     If the Primavera activity is not a Start or Finish Milestone, this field is not updated.
    -  If the Primavera activity is a milestone, this field is updated to Task Dependent.

: Primavera does not allow resources to be assigned to a milestone activity. Primavera has a special network logic related to the milestone type, such as the allowed constraint type for that milestone type and the dependency types allowed for its dependencies. 


Duration Type When creating new activities in Primavera, the default value for this field is Fixed Duration & Units.

When updating existing activities in Primavera, the value in this field is not updated.


% Complete Type When creating new activities or updating activities in Primavera, the value for this field is Physical.
Calculated Progress Physical %


Actual Start Date Started option and Actual Start Date If the IFS activity has a value in the Actual Start Date field, then in Primavera:
  • The Started option is enabled.
  • The field beside this option shows the actual start date.
Actual Finish Date Finished option and Actual Finish Date If the IFS activity is a value in the Actual Finish Date field, then in Primavera:
  • The Finished option is enabled.
  • The field beside this option shows the actual finish date.
Status IFS Activity Status This is a user defined field, grouped in the Activities subject area in Primavera.
Constraint Type Primary Constraint The IFS constraint Start not earlier than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Start on or after.

The IFS constraint End not later than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Finish on or before.

The IFS constraint Must Start On corresponds to the Primavera constraint Mandatory Start.

The IFS constraint Must End On corresponds to the Primavera constraint Mandatory Finish.

The IFS constraint As Late as Possible corresponds to the Primavera constraint As Late as Possible.

 If the IFS activity has no constraint:

  • When a activity is created/updated in Primavera, this activity has no constraint.

Constraint Date Primary Constraint Date  
Activity Class Activity Code  
Value Code Value  
Value Description Description  


Activity Dependencies Fields

Following fields are created or updated in Primavera, changes in dependency type results in that the current dependency type is deleted and the new dependency type is inserted.

IFS Field Primavera Field
Activity ID Activity ID
Predecessor Activity ID Predecessor Activity ID
Successor Activity ID Successor Activity ID
Dependency Type Relationship Type
Lag Lag

Resource Assignment Fields:

Following data is created or updated in Primavera. The resource master data must exist in Primavera, for the resources to be assigned through the import.

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity ID Activity ID Note: Primavera does not allow resources to be assigned to a milestone activity.
Resource ID Resource ID  
Planned Hours Planned Units The value imported is in the unit Hours.


Synchronizing Master Data

Neither Resource master data nor the Calendars can be exported from Primavera to IFS. Only the Global Activity Codes in Primavera are possible to export into IFS Activity Classes.

Activity Classes Fields

Global activity codes in Primavera and its values are exported to activity classes and its values in IFS.

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity Class Activity Code Global activity classes are imported.
Value Code Value  
Value Description Description  

Project Integration

Project data is exported using Export All Projects Synchronization.

Project Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field
Project Planned Start Project Planned Start
Project Planned Finish Finish

Sub Project Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Sub Project ID WBS Code If a WBS Code is changed in Primavera, then a new sub project is created when exporting.

Note: IFS requires that the Sub Project ID is unique for the project, thus it is not possible to either export from or import to Primavera if there are non-unique WBS codes in the Primavera project.
Sub Project Description WBS Name


Parent Sub Project (or Project) ID Parent WBS Code



Activity Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity ID Activity ID If an activity ID is changed in Primavera, then a new activity is created when exporting.
Activity Description Activity Name


Parent Sub Project ID WBS Code The sub project to which the activity belongs.
Early Start Start

Note: If the IFS activity has an actual start date, the early start date will not be updated when exporting.

Early Finish Finish

 Note: If the IFS activity has an actual finish date, the early finish date will not be updated when exporting

Activity Milestone
Activity Type  
Late Start Date Late Start  
Late Finish Date Late Finish  
Total Float Total Float


Free Float Free Float  
Constraint Type Primary Constraint The IFS constraint Start not earlier than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Start on or after.

The IFS constraint End not later than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Finish on or before.

The IFS constraint Must Start On corresponds to the Primavera constraint Mandatory Start.

The IFS constraint Must End On corresponds to the Primavera constraint Mandatory Finish.

The IFS constraint As Late as Possible corresponds to the Primavera constraint As Late as Possible.

When updating an existing activity in IFS:

  • If the Primavera activity has the constraint Start on or after,Finish on or before, Mandatory Start, Mandatory Finish or As Late as Possible the IFS field is updated.
  • If the Primavera activity has a constraint other than above mentioned, the IFS field is not updated.
Constraint Date Primary Constraint Date  
Baseline Project Start Date BL Project Start  
Baseline Project Finish Date BL Project Finish  
Baseline User Primary Start Date BL1 Start  
Baseline User Primary Finish Date BL1 Finish  
Primary Constraint Primary Constraint  
Secondary Constraint Secondary Constraint  
Activity Class Activity Code  
Value Code Value  
Value Description Description  

Activity Dependencies Fields

IFS Field Primavera Field
Activity ID Activity ID
Predecessor Activity ID Predecessor Activity ID
Successor Activity ID Successor Activity ID
Dependency Type Relationship Type
Lag Lag


Resource Assignment Fields

The resource master data must exist in IFS, for the resources to be assigned though the synchronization.

IFS Field Primavera Field Comments
Activity ID Activity ID Note: IFS allows a Resource ID to be assigned only once to the same activity.
Resource ID Resource ID  
Planned Hours Planned Units When exporting, the value is converted to the unit Hours, if another unit is used.