Calculate Capability Indices One or More Data Points


This activity is used to calculate capability indices for a given time period for control plan lines in all control plans where the lines have Capability Indices enabled. You can narrow your search by using the Query dialog box to query and/or sort by a number of different options.

To calculate capability indices for control plan lines enter the conditions of the calculation in the Calculate Capability Indices page. A time period is chosen by selecting dates in the From Date and To Date fields. Also a description is entered. To have this calculation run as a background job, enable Send to background job. Finally click Calculate.

If Send to background job was disabled, the Capability Indices Calculation page is automatically opened after clicking Calculate. The calculated values for the selected period can be viewed in the Inner Cp, Inner Cpk, Outer Cp, Outer Cpk, Inner Cp ppm, Inner Cpk ppm, Outer Cp ppm, Outer Cpk ppm, Mean and Std Deviation fields in that page. The calculated values can also be viewed in the Capability Indices Calculations pages. If you want to view the measurement data used for the calculations, select the specific item and click Sample Data. This opens the Sample Data - Capability Indices page. The measurement data used for the calculations is displayed in the Result column.


At least one control plan must exist, and at least two analyses for at least one control plan line in this control plan must be in status Complete. Capability Indices must be enabled for the control plan lines.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, capability indices are calculated for a given time period for control plan lines in all control plans where the lines have the Capability Indices enabled. The mean, standard deviation, and parts per million (ppm) values are also calculated and displayed.