Change W/D/R Number


A W/D/R number indicates that specific parts are somehow not standard, i.e., they are discrepant, deviant, rejected, etc. A particular location can contain the same parts, but the parts can have different W/D/R numbers. This number is used for tracking or selection purposes and can be used along with the availability control.

You can specify a W/D/R number on the receipt line in connection with the arrival registration. Then, you can update an existing W/D/R number or specify one or several new ones for a receipt line in the receipt function. When using the Change W/D/R... in the receipt function, a dialog opens. In this dialog, you can specify from which and to which W/D/R number you are changing, as well as the quantity of relevant parts. If this is assigned to a part of the quantity, a new line is created.

A W/D/R number can be specified for parts located in particular stock location types (picking, floor stock, and production line). This is also possible for the location types arrival and quality assurance. .

In connection with this action, you can print new barcode labels. The barcode ID is also displayed in this dialog if barcode labels are already printed. In this case, you can select the barcode ID this particular W/D/R number concerns.


System Effects

A W/D/R number is assigned or changed for the indicated quantity. A new line is created if this is assigned to a part of the quantity.