Generate Rental Transactions


This activity is used to generate rental transactions. When the Generate Rental Transactions function is run, due rental transactions will be generated for any rental lines included in the selection criteria Rental transactions represent the accrued cost (Rent In, Project Charging, Work Order Charging) or revenue (Rent Out) of a rental line, and will be used in the subsequent cost voucher and invoicing processes. Once rental events have been entered for a rental line, transactions can be generated for the line. Transactions will be generated based on the transaction generation schedule linked to the line as well as any events registered for the line. When transactions are generated, any date exceptions linked to the line will be considered, as will any period rounding on the line.

When the Generate Rental Transactions function is run, due rental transactions will be generated for any rental lines included in the selection criteria. You can either generate rental transactions directly, or schedule the task as a background job.

You can either generate rental transactions directly or schedule the task as a background job . Alternatively, rental transactions can be generated for specific rental lines directly in the Manage Rentals or Rental Workbench pages .


Rental events have to exist for the relevant rental line, and a valid rental transaction generation schedule has to be connected to the rental line.

System Effects

Rental transactions will be generated for any rental lines included in the selection criteria. These transactions can subsequently be transferred to a rental voucher and used in the invoicing processes, either to be matched to a supplier invoice (Rent In process) or used on a customer order invoice (Rent Out process).