Configuration Price Adjustment

When a configuration is created for a Business Opportunity line, Sales Quotation line, or a Customer Order line, the Total Part Price is calculated as the summation of Part Price and the Calculated Characteristic Price. Configuration Price Adjustment allows you to override total part price and distribute the difference among configuration characteristics, offset each characteristic price by a percentage or a value, or offset the price of groups of characteristics and distribute the price difference among the characteristics of the group. In basic data, you can mark which characteristics should be excluded from price adjustments and define Max Override (%) to stop the characteristic price from being overridden below a desirable price. Therefore, above functionalities collectively allows the sales teams to adjust the total part price to meet customer expectations within profitable limits.

Basic Data

Configuration Characteristic Groups

Configuration characteristic group is used to group configuration characteristics and offset the group price (using Adjust Characteristic Prices by Group), after completing the sales part configuration. New groups can be defined in Configuration Characteristic Groups. Configuration characteristic can later be connected to a Characteristic Group ID in Configuration Characteristic.

Override Allowed

Override Allowed is an option that decides whether a specific characteristic price can be overridden while using sales configurator. This option is available for configuration characteristic prices (offsets) defined in Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing or Configuration Price List. Override Allowed option is selected by default.

Max Override (%)

If Override Allowed is selected for a specific configuration characteristic, it is possible to set a Maximum Override (%), to stop the characteristic price from being overridden below a desirable price. You can set the Maximum Override (%) for a specific configuration characteristic in Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing or Configuration Price List. If Maximum Override (%) field is left blank, it means there is no maximum override limit.

Adjust Price

Price adjustments can be done when configurations are created or edited in Business Opportunity, Sales Quotation or Customer order. Adjust Price is enabled in Create Configuration, Edit Configuration, and Edit Pricing (only available for Released customer orders) when the configuration is Completed. Under Adjust Price, four commands are available to adjust the prices.

  1. Adjust All Characteristic Prices
  2. Adjust Characteristic Prices by Group
  3. Adjust Total Price
  4. Clear Adjustments

Herein after


Adjust All Characteristic Prices

You can use Adjust All Characteristic Prices to offset the price of each eligible characteristic, using either an offset (%) or an offset amount.
It is not allowed to offset a characteristic price below the Minimum Price of the characteristic which is calculated as below.

Minimum Characteristic Price

For the eligible characteristics, new price will be calculated using the formula below.

New characteristic price

If the new characteristic price is less than the Minimum Price for a specific characteristic, Minimum Price of the characteristic will be taken as the new characteristic price. Any other characteristic which does not violate this condition is updated with the new characteristic price.

Price of each characteristic will then be updated with the new price, Characteristic Price and Total Part Price in the header will be recalculated, and source line price will be updated.


Characteristic Calculated Price (USD) Price (USD) Override Allowed Maximum Override % Minimum Price (USD)
Characteristic 1 10,000 10,000 Yes 10% 9,000
Characteristic 2 20,000 20,000 Yes 50% 10,000
Characteristic 3 30,000 30,000 Yes   0