Create and Maintain Price Combination Table


This activity is used to create Configuration Characteristic Sales Price Combination tables to be used in Configuration Pricing. A price combination table provides a result depending on the combinations of the combination factors. The value returned is an amount which is included in the price of the sales part.

Price Combination Table is structured like a spreadsheet and it is defined by identifying the factors affecting the result (i.e. the columns of the spreadsheet) and then filling in the data combinations, the associated return data type and return value. The identified combination factors are defined in the Combination Factors section. Each factor represents one piece of data to be considered when evaluating the combination table values. By placing factors into a sequence, the headings for the combination table values are created for data entry in the Combination Values section. Once the factors are defined, combination values can be entered in the Combination Values section.

Factors are defined by their factor type. Possible factor types are shown below.

Factor Type Description
Characteristic Value The value of a configuration characteristic from the configuration of the evaluated part.
Characteristic Quantity The value of a configuration characteristic quantity from the configuration of the evaluated part.

To create a new price combination table in the status Planned, create a new record and enter information about the price combination that should be created. A configuration family which defines the set of cnfiguration characteristics that can be used within this price combination table is added. The Default Return Type field indicates default return type, if no hits were found in Combination Values table, and it can be Amount or Combination. Return type Amount will return an amount to be added in the sales price and Combination will direct to another pricce combination table.

The Characteristic ID field in the header section indicates the configuration characteristic which will be carrying the prices from the price combination table. This is an optional value and any characteristic from the configuration family can be added.

To create a new combination factor line for the combination table, create a new item in the Combination Factors section and enter information such as factor type and factor value. In the Display Sequence field, enter a number or leave null to indicate the order of appearance for this factor. A test value to be used for testing the combination table can be defined. The test value is used to simulate an actual value from a configuration.

An example of a simple combination table is shown below.

Factor Type Factor Value Test Value
Characteristic Value COLOR RED
Characteristic Value HEIGHT 10

The Combination Values section will display an operator and factor value column for each factor which has been defined in the Combination Factors section. To create a new combination value line for the combination table, create a new item in the Combination Values section. Enter a sequence number in the Display Sequence field or leave null for the system to generate. Select the desired operator and value for each factor used in the table and specify the return type and return value. Return type can be Amount or Combination. Return type Amount will return an amount to be added in the sales price and Combination will direct to another pricce combination table.

In the example below, different combinations of the factor values are added including the return type and return value. When the price combination table is evaluated, based on the configuration the combination values and operator conditions are considered. If there is a match, then the return value is returned and if not Default Return Amount or Combination is returned. If return type is Amount, then return amount is directly included in the configuration pricing. If the return type is Combintion, then the mentioned return price combination table is evaluated for the return amount.

Sequence COLOR Operaror COLOR HEIGHT Operator HEIGHT Return Type Return Value
1 Equal to RED Less Than or Equal 10 Amount 500
2 Equal to RED Equal to 20 Combination PriceCombination A
3 Equal to BLUE Less Than or Equal 10 Amount 700
4 Equal to BLUE Greater Than 20 Combination PriceCombination B
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The Price Combination Table is created in Planned status and changes can be done only at Planned status. The Price Combination Table should be Released to connect it to the relevant place (Price Combination Table can be connected at Sales Part/ Configuration Based Pricing tab, Configuration Price List or Sales Price List/ Configuration Based Pricing tab). Also when releasing a price combination table (Parent table), all the connected price combination tables (Child tables) should have been released first.


System Effects

As a result of this avtivity, the Configuration Characteristic Sales Price Combination table is created, released, connected in relevant places, and considered during configuration pricing.