Enter Customer Schedule Agreement Header


Use this activity to enter a long-term contract between the buying and selling organizations. This is a mandatory task for using customer scheduling.

A customer schedule agreement defines the parties, customer parts included in the contract, tolerances and policies for handling the customer schedules, and default logistical delivery preferences for supply sites and delivery points.

A customer schedule agreement should not be confused with a customer Agreement. A customer schedule agreement is a type of setup that is performed only once per customer. A customer agreement, on the other hand, is typically valid for an extended period of time. This means that the agreement header is only entered once, but the customer parts can be altered or renewed along the line.

An agreement can have the following statuses: planned, active, negotiated, or closed. The Planned status means that the agreement is being entered and will change to Active status when it is ready to be used. Negotiated status is used if the agreement needs to be renegotiated, i.e., in case some methods or policies need to be revised after the agreement has been activated. Closed status is used when the agreement has expired.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

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