Enter Complementary Part
The purpose of complementary parts is to help increase sales when receiving
you receive an order or quotation request, by suggesting complementary parts
to be sold with the part on the order line. When a customer order line, customer
order rental line or a sales quotation line for a parent part is saved, a dialog
will automatically appear with the parts to offer. The quantity (default zero),
sales part ID, and description are displayed. You can then update the quantity
to the desired quantity and click OK to create the additional order lines.
This activity has the following prerequisites:
- Basic data must be entered for the parent parts and the parts to be
suggested when the parent part is entered on the order/quotation line.
- Parent parts are connected to complementary parts in
Complementary Parts page which can
be reach via a command in the sales part page or directly from the Navigator.
- If the customer is set up to use the limit sales by assortments functionality,
complementary parts should be connected to the limited assortments,
System Effects
As a result of this activity:
- Additional line(s) for the complementary part(s) will be automatically
added to the customer order or sales quotation.
- If the original order line is for sales the complementary parts will
be added on the Customer order or Sales Quotation
Lines page. If the original order line is for rental
the complementary parts will be added in Customer
order or Sales Quotation Rental Lines page.