Enter Zone information


This activity is used to enter zone specific information. It is possible to define the minimum freight amounts, the freight free amount and the default value for fixed delivery freight for each zone. A specific zone can be entered only once. To save an entry, either minimum freight amount or freight free amount or fixed delivery freight must have been entered. Further, a minimum freight amount is defined, and if the calculated freight charge is less than that, the minimum amount will be used instead of the calculated amount.

When a consolidation is performed for the customer order, the sum of net amounts in customer order lines which are to be delivered together (same ship via code, planned ship date, delivery address etc) will be compared with the freight free amount.

Fixed Delivery Freight is the total amount of fixed charge price defined for all customer order lines which are to be delivered together.

Any amounts entered are considered as excluding tax unless the price list is defined as using price including tax. A freight price list will only be used on a sales quotation or a customer order with a similar usage of price including tax.


This activity has the below prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity :

Order Line Zone ID Freight free amount  Order Amount
1 Z1 1000 1100
2 Z2 2000 300
3 Z1 1000 500