Add or Modify Order Types


This activity is used to specify the different order types that are used in your company. The order types NO (normal) and SEO (service) are set up as part of the installation, however the settings and descriptions can be changed for these types. The task of entering or modifying order types is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent personnel, and should be considered carefully. Once an order type header is saved, it cannot be deleted. Only the description can be changed.

When you enter a customer order, you must either specify the order type to use for this specific order or have a default order type defined. In the later case, the default order type will automatically be displayed when you are entering an order for the specific customer. A default order type can be entered per site-customer combination, per site or per customer. A default order type defined per site-customer combination has the highest priority, default order type on site has the next priority and the default order type on customer has the least priority. This default can be changed on the individual orders. The order type you select at the order entry controls the customer order flow. The order type controls which steps in the order flow are performed automatically and which steps must be performed manually.
Note: The order type is considered when processing customer order headers only.

By selecting the events in the Stop After field, you get to define how an order with this specific order type will behave in the order flow. If, for example, you select the events Report Picking and Print Delivery Note, this means that you must deliver the parts and create the customer invoice manually, but all the other steps in the order flow will be done automatically by the system. Note that in case the order is connected to a shipment the control of the progress is handed over from the order type to the shipment type.

You can indicate when the reservation will take place. By enabling the Priority Reservations option you get to give this order type a higher priority than a general order. This means that the parts are reserved directly at order entry. If there are not enough parts available in inventory, the order cannot be saved. Note that if you do not enable priority reservations, the Print Order Confirmation option must be enabled.

If you enable the Online Processing option, when releasing the customer order, the order steps are processed online (preventing you from doing any further work until the order steps are processed). If the option is disabled, the order steps are processed as a background job, allowing you to continue with other work in the application. If the order type includes stops at any step in the order flow, the order process will still be online when continuing the order flow. Note that if you are working with large orders with many order lines and order types that perform a lot of steps automatically, you might experience poor performance while processing the steps online.

If you enable the Use Shipment Inventory option, then orders associated with this order type will use a shipment inventory location once the items are picked, for the purpose of collecting or staging the goods together before delivery.

Note that if you use consolidated pick lists, the order type can be overwritten on the settings of using shipment inventory, printing of the pick list, and pick reporting. In this case, the settings made when defining the consolidated pick list overwrite the settings on the order type. When using consolidated pick lists, the pick reporting is always performed manually.

If you enable the Keep remaining reservation at Partial Picking option, then when you partly pick a pick list line the reservation will be kept and you will be able to pick the remaining quantity on the same pick list later. This is useful if you are not able to pick everything at the same time due to some constraint (e.g., what you pick does not fit on the forklift or in the handling unit you pack into), then you can pick multiple times until you have picked everything.

When working in a multi-site environment, it is recommended to use special order types. This will help differentiate the multi-site orders from other orders.


This activity has no specific prerequisites.

System Effects