Enter Pricing Details for Configuration


When a configured part is sold to a customer you can enter pricing rules and pricing information to define a sales price for the part. The price of a configured sales part consists of up to three components:

  1. The sales part base price, i.e., the price of the unconfigured part,
  2. The economic value of the characteristics connected to the sales part,
  3. The economic value of any applicable option connected to the characteristics.

You can enter separate prices for all characteristics, and for all options belonging to them in Sales Part/ Configuration Base Pricing. You do not, however, have to enter prices for all varieties, only for the ones where the sales price should differ from the price indicated on the Sales Part/General page. If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled on the Sales Part/General tab, it is possible to enter values in the Amount Offset Incl Tax field and the amount offset value is calculated using the tax code used for the sales part.

If Allow Override is enabled, the price of the characteristic can be overriden when using sales configurator. If there is a maximum percentage of price reduction that should be enforced when the characteristic price is overriden, you can enter that in Max Override (%).

It is possible to connect Price Combination Table to characteristic prices as well. It can be added as an Add On value or Replace value. If Add On, then return value from Price Combination table will be added to the offset values. If Replace, then offset values wil be replaced by the return value from Price Combination tables.

Expand the characteristic ID line to add an option value ID, for which the sales price should differ from the price of the characteristic ID in the line above.


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