Connect Discount Type to a Customer


It is possible to indicate a default discount type for a specific customer. The discount type that is connected to a specific customer will be indicated as the default value on the order lines when a customer order is entered for this customer.

By using discount types, you can identify the type of discount that is entered on an order line. This enables a detailed control of the different types of discounts that are used. This is particularly useful when you are using multiple discounts for an order line, i.e., a combination of several different types of discounts.

You can connect a discount type to the customer in the Discount section on the Customer/Sales/General page.


The discount type must have been defined on the Sales Discount Types page.

System Effects

A default discount type is connected to the specific customer. This discount type will be presented as the default value on the entered order lines belonging to the customer. It is possible to change both discount rate and discount type for the customer order lines when entering an order.