Enter Deal Per Assortment


This optional activity is used to define price information of a customer agreement-per-assortment. Assortments are collections of parts available in the part catalog. They are used to create parts on a mass scale across sites. Similarly we can enter price information for an assortment rather than entering for each part.

It is possible to specify a minimum quantity for each line and the price on that line is valid from the minimum quantity, up to the following minimum quantity specified for another line for the same part. If no following minimum quantity has been defined, the price will be valid for an infinite quantity.

It is also possible to specify a deal price and/or a discount for a deal per assortment line:

Note 1: It is possible to specify several deal-per-assortment lines in a customer agreement for the same assortment node by giving different combinations for minimum quantity and price unit of measure.

Note 2: It is possible to view, the deal-per-assortment lines entered, using two options. You can select the View All option in the Customer Agreement page header to view all deal per assortment lines in an agreement. You can also select the View with Valid Date option and specify a date. Then, only the deal-per-assortment lines valid for that date, will be shown.

Note 3: Entering Price UoM is optional while setting up standalone discounts for the whole assortment node. In this situation, the Price UoM will be automatically set as * by the system. During this instance, the standalone discount will be applied for all the parts included in assortment node regardless of the UoM defined for the assortment. Also when the UoM is set as *, Price/Curr field will not be enabled. However when the price UoM had been defined in addition to the price UoM defined by the system (*) for a particular assortment node, the priority will be given to the specified price UoM over the system defined price UoM during price retrieval of such parts.



This activity has the following prerequisites;

System Effects