Enter Sales Part Rental Base Price


This optional activity is used to set up rental base prices for sales parts. The sales part rental base price is used as a basis for creating rental price lists. The system uses the rental base prices to calculate rental prices for different price intervals for a specific part. The rental base price should not be mistaken for being the price entered on Sales Part/General. The rental base price is used for updating sales price lists.

When defining the rental base price, you must define the baseline price, the percentage offset and the amount offset. The rental base price is calculated from the baseline price with the percentage and amount offset taken into consideration. The baseline price is used as a starting point to which offsets can be added in order to get the desired markup before the rental base price is used. The rental baseline price can be defined manually but it is not linked to IFS/Costing.

In addition, it is possible to add a price break template to the rental base price. This is beneficial when several parts have the same characteristics regarding the price depending on the rental period and ordered quantity. In the price break template, you define rental duration and quantities with a percentage offset from the rental base price of the sales part. If the use of price break templates is enabled on sales price lists, rental duration, quantity and rental base prices are applied according to the price break template.

If new sales parts need to be added, they can be manually entered on the Sales Part Rental Base Prices page or, in a more automated way, via the Add New Sales Parts dialog. This makes it possible to add several records simultaneously. For example, if a sales part is connected to several sites, you can enter a percent sign (%) in the Base Price Site field, adding a record of the sales part for every site to which it is connected.

Rental base prices can be entered as including tax. The tax code on the sales part, if it is taxable, controls the calculations. If a rental base price including tax is entered, then the rental base price net value will be calculated and vice versa. The baseline price will also be calculated according to entered offsets.

The price and tax calculations are controlled by the Use Price Incl Tax option. The default value of the option is fetched from the site, however, it can be changed if necessary.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled, the Base Price field is non-editable and the base price is calculated based on the value entered for the base price including tax value and the tax code. The Baseline Price Incl Tax field is editable and the Baseline Price field is non-editable. When you enter records, the price including tax value is fetched from the sales part to the Baseline Price Incl Tax field. The baseline price is back-calculated based on the tax code. The base price including tax is calculated according to the entered offsets. The base price is back-calculated based on the tax code.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is disabled, the Base Price Incl Tax field is non-editable and the base price including tax is calculated based on the value entered for the base price and the tax code. The Baseline Price field is editable and the Baseline Price Incl Tax field is non-editable. When you enter records, the price is fetched from the sales part to the Baseline Price field. The baseline price including tax is back-calculated based on the tax code. The rental base price is calculated according to the entered offsets. The rental base price including tax is back-calculated based on the tax code.

This activity can be executed Online if you want to add the records immediately into the sales part base prices, or scheduled as a background job.


System Effects