Document Distribution List


The document management system allows you to distribute documents to other users of the system. Document distribution is primarily based on a document distribution assistant that greatly simplifies the distribution of documents to multiple users.

The user ID with which you logged into the application and the receiving persons must be connected to persons in IFS Cloud. If you are using e-mail notification as the distribution method, the appropriate e-mail address(es) must be registered.

An entry is created for each person in the distribution list. You can order execution of document distribution. 


The distribution system is designed to facilitate distribution of copies of the document to different users. A user can select a number of documents and request a copy of these when they are released.

A list of documents can be distributed to a list of users. Select the document revisions in the Document Revisions page, then use the command to launch the distribution assistant. The assistant will require you to insert the distribution information, including a list of recipients.

Checking and Reading Distributed Documents

The Distribution History page contains a list of all distributions that have been made. Each distributed document has a status. All distribution lines that must be distributed by hard copy are in Pending Distribution status because they are not yet distributed. The documents that have been distributed manually are in Distributed status. This page provides a list of distributions that are already completed. It also provides an opportunity to resend parts of distributions or whole distributions. After you have read a document, set the status to Read. This ensures that the document does not reappear the next time you query for the newly distributed documents.

Use the page My Incoming Documents to view documents that has been distributed to the logged in user. Documents can be in any one of the following statuses: Distributed, Mark As Read or Approved. To open the selected document in the Document Details page, click Details. The documents are displayed in three groups. Unattended group, shows the documents you have received. Mark As Read group, shows the documents that you have referred and marked as Read. Approved group, shows the document reviewed and set as Approved.



Mark as Read: Once a distribution is received, it is part of the distribution history and after the document is read, perform the command operation to set the status to Read. 

Approve: A distribution can be approved by selecting the lines to be approved, and performing the command operation. 

Resending Distributions: You can resend distributions. Do this by selecting the history lines to be redistributed and performing the command operation.

Manual Distribution of Hardcopies: To facilitate the manual distribution of documents, perform a query on the page. Then, search for the history lines of the relevant distribution to locate those with distribution type set to Hardcopy. Change the status of all the manually distributed documents to Distributed by choosing Distribute command.


You can remove or suspend a distribution request by entering the Distribution page and either removing the relevant distribution line or setting its status to Suspended.