Fleet Configuration Reports

Report Types

Report Explanation
Serial Route Definitions This report is used to print the transportation route for a given serial.
Serial Structure Multilevel This report is used to print an entire serial structure including all levels for a given serial.
Serial Structure Template This report is used to print the difference between two selected template structures. The input for this report will be two different template part revisions.

Serial Route Definition

With this report, you can examine the details of the transportation route for a selected serial. You can view all the route stages, locations, and the estimated arrival times. 

When you order a serial route definition report, the following conditions apply: 

Condition  Field Value Description
Part No Mandatory The specified part number.
Serial No Mandatory The specified serial number.
Route ID Mandatory The route ID for the selected transport route.

With the Access Control feature, you can only order route definition reports for the serials to which you have access. If you do not have access to the selected serial, a message will appear. For more information on Access Control in Fleet and Asset Management, refer the online help file Access Control.

Field Group Description
Part No Overview  The part number for the selected serial.
Serial No Overview The serial number for the selected serial.
Route ID Overview The route ID for the selected transport route.
Route Sequence Detail The sequence number for the selected stage of the route.
Departure Time  Detail The departure date and time for the selected stage of the route.
Arrival Time Detail The date and time for the arrival of the selected stage in the route.
Location Code Detail The location of the selected stage.
Location Description Detail A description of the selected location.
Location Address Detail The address for the selected location.

Serial Structure Multilevel

Use this report to examine the serial structure of a given serial. All levels of the selected serial structure can be viewed on this report. The print out for the report will be available in Landscape A4 format. 

When you order a serial structure multilevel report, the following conditions apply: 

Condition Field Value Description
Part No Mandatory The specified part number.
Serial No Mandatory The specified serial number.

With the Access Control feature, you can only order serial structure multilevel reports for the serials to which you have access. If do not have access to the selected serial, a message will appear. 

Field Group Description
Part Number Overview  The part number for the selected serial.
Serial Number Overview  The serial number for the selected serial.
Structure Level Detail The structural level for the serial.
Part Number Detail The part number for the underlying serial. If the value Not Installed is displayed, it indicates that this is an empty structure position, i.e., the expected part or serial is not installed in the structure.
Serial Number Detail The serial number for the underlying serial.
Part Rev Detail The revision of the underlying serial.
Part Name Detail A description of the underlying serial.
Pos Detail The structural position for the underlying serial.
Manufactured Part No Detail The manufacturer's part number for the underlying serial.
Superior Detail The part and serial number for the parent serial of the structure.

Serial Structure Template

The serial structure template report can be used when you want to compare and contrast the differences between two template structures. The print out for the report will be available in Landscape A4 format.

Serial structure templates are not access controlled.

When you order a serial structure template report, the following conditions apply: 

Template Structure Condition Field Value Description


Template Part Number Mandatory The specified part number for template structure A.
Template Part Revision Mandatory The specified part revision for template structure A.
Structure Position Mandatory The specified structure position for template structure A.


Template Part Number Mandatory The specified part number for template structure B.
Template Part Revision Mandatory The specified part revision for template structure B.
Structure Position Mandatory The specified structure position for template structure B.
Template Structure Field Group Description


Template Part Number Overview The part number for template structure A.
Template Part Revision Overview The template part revision for template structure A.
Structure Position Overview The structure position for template structure A.


Template Part Number Overview The template part number for template structure B.
Template Part Revision Overview The template part revision for template structure B.
Structure Position Overview The structure position for template structure B.
Level Detail The structural level for the structure templates that differ.
Part number Detail The part number for the structure templates that differ.
Revision Detail The revision for the structure templates that differ.
Part Description Detail The part description for the structure templates that differ.
Structure Position Detail The structural position for the structure templates that differ.
Difference Type Detail The difference between the two templates that are been compared.
Position Detail The position for the structure templates that differ.
Quantity Detail The quantity for the structure templates that differ.
Status Detail The status for the structure templates that differ.