Replace Serial


This activity is used to replace a serial in a serial structure. Before a serial can be replaced in a serial structure, observe the following guidelines for more accurate replacement of the serial.

If access control is established, you can only replace the serials to which you have access. Establishing access control is done by assigning a user to an access group defined in basic data. The access groups will be used to extend access to all or selected parts and serials in a structure. When a serial is removed from a serial structure, you can specify the access rights you want to keep for it. You can select to either keep the current access rights for the serial, update the serial with the default part access, or select the access groups you want to keep for the replaced serial.

Depending on your workflow, you can perform this activity by clicking the option Perform Structure Change from one of the following pages.

Following is a description of the information that can be entered in each assistant step.

Step 1 - Structure Change Selection

Step 2 - Structure Change Details


System Effects