Enter Shipment Process Parameters


This activity is used to change the default shipment type for the site. The shipment type is used to control the shipment flow. The shipment processes of your company determine how the shipment type should be defined to get a streamlined and effective process.

Shipment types can be entered per site, per customer delivery address or per supply chain relation as a default. A default shipment type defined per supply chain relation has the highest priority, then per customer delivery address and last per site. The default shipment type will be fetched to customer orders or shipments but it can be changed manually if required. The control of the progress is handed over from the order type to the shipment type as soon as a shipment is created.


System Effects

Unless a deviating default shipment type is entered per supply chain relation, the defined shipment type is the default value for all customer orders and shipments entered at this site.