Move Customer Order Reservations with Transport Task


This activity is used to to move customer order reservations from one location in the warehouse to another. This is a way of moving reservations from locations where it is impossible to pick parts of a handling unit to a location where it is more efficent to pick. You can either create a transport task directly or schedule it as a background job.

In the From/To sections, you can specify the selection criteria for the location to move from, i.e., all reservations on those locations will be contenders for the move.

The Parameters sections enables you to specify additional selection criteria for the records to be included on the transport task. What to move can be defined both from a Reservation and a Handling Unit perspective.

The Reservation criteria are similar to those in the Create Consolidated Pick List, this is so you can run the whole process of reserving, moving and creating pick list for the same reservations. For example, RouteID, forward agent, deliver-to-customer number, etc. Entry can be made using special symbols, for example, ;, %.You can use the wildcard character percent (%) for selecting every possible value for that field. E.g., entering % in the Order No field will include all order lines. Entering A% will include all order lines with an order ID beginning with the letter A. 

The Handling Unit criteria makes it possible to include or exclude from a Handling Unit perspective.

The Include Full Qty of Top Handling Unit option includes all stock packed in the same top handling unit structure, on the transport task. For instance even if only parts of a handling unit is reserved, anyway include all stock packed in the top handling unit structure regardless of part number. This will enable to do the picking in two steps. First move the whole handling unit down to a place where is it more efficient to pick and then do the actual picking.

Exclude Stock Attached to Handling Unit, this option indicates that all stock packed into a handling unit is excluded from the transport task.

Exclude Stock Not Attached to Handling Unit, this option indicates that all stock not packed into a handling unit is excluded from the transport task.

Exclude Handling Units to be Picked in One Step, If this option is enabled, you will exclude all the top level handling units that can be picked in one step. With one step we mean that the full quantity of the top handling unit is reserved by one demand line. If that is the case you can instead chose to include it in the consolidated pick list by enabling the option with the same name there.


System Effects