Print Pick List


Whenever the parts are reserved and a pick list is created, you can print out the pick list in order to inform the warehouse staff of what and how much to pick for each specific order. The pick list is printed in the Print Pick List page and can then be printed, viewed online or previewed from the Report Archive page.

Ordinary pick lists are connected to a single order number. The pick lists for one order are printed for each location group.

Consolidated pick lists are printed according to the consolidation that was selected when the pick lists were created. Consolidated pick lists that are created in the shipment or the consolidated shipment will always be printed per Shipment ID. In a shipment or consolidated shipment, you can print the created consolidated pick lists using the Print Pick List command. Thereafter, you can print or preview the consolidated pick lists from the Report Archive page. Those pick lists printed in the shipment will also be viewable online. A consolidated shipment is defined as one departure of several shipments from the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments. When executed from the consolidated shipment the consolidated pick lists per shipment ID are printed for all connected shipments.

For MRO objects with miscellaneous parts received (and specified to be shipped back), the normal pick list will contain an appendix of miscellaneous parts.


Shipment connected pick lists

Customer order pick lists with no shipment connection

System Effects

Shipment connected pick lists

Customer order pick lists with no shipment connection