Enter Item Valuation


This activity is used to enter valuation values on the application. After performing the valuation of work, values must be entered on each item that has a difference in value since the previous application. The values to be entered are the:

Usually, the accumulated value of an item is the value of the item itself. While the stored material is additional material that is required to perform work on the item. Either way, it's contributed to increased accumulated cost on the contract, and should be included in the application for payment.

Accumulated values are based on the valuation method for an item (i.e., Quantity, Progress and Fixed Value), as described in the table below. Further, refer the activity description Copy Previous Valuation for details on how to reuse valuations from the previous application.

Valuation Method Valuation Value
Quantity The total accumulated number of pieces completed for this line item on this application and all previous applications.
Progress The total accumulated percentage progress for this line item on this application and all previous applications.
Fixed Value The total accumulated cost value for this line item on this application and all previous applications.


System Effects