Confirm Authorization


This activity is used to authorize a posting line by the user who is connected as an authorizer or on behalf of the authorizer group for the posting line. There could be several persons with different roles connected to a posting line. Depending on the role of the authorizer, the line will be changed to the relevant status. (That is, when a person with the role Acknowledger is connected to the posting line, the line will be in the Acknowledged status.) The same authorizer can be connected to different lines in the posting proposal, with different roles.

The Authorize Summary section will display a summary of the authorizers connected to the proposal and, is grouped by sequence, authorizer, role, and the authorization status. The total amount to be authorized by each authorizer under the same role is listed under this section. The Authorize Details section will display detailed information about each line for which the authorizer is responsible, with a reference to details in the invoice lines. 

For example, if a user acting as an authorizer has three posting lines to authorize, all three lines will be displayed in the Authorize Details section. In the Authorize Summary section, all three lines will be combined and displayed as one line, including the total amount of the three lines.

When a user with the Authorizer role attempts to authorize the posting line he or she is connected to, the user will be checked against the maximum amount limit specified in the connected authorizer assigning rule. If it exceeds the maximum amount specified, then another authorizer with a higher limit should be added to authorize the posting line. This authorizer has to be added manually. The authorizers will also be checked against the allowed code parts specified in the connected authorizer assigning rule. If a code part that is not allowed for the authorizer is used in the posting line, authorization will not be possible. Either the authorizer has to be changed, or the allowed code part values for the existing authorizer should be changed in the Authorization Combination Rules page, for the Authorization Combination Rule ID connected to the authorizer.

When a substitute is defined for an authorizer who is absent, the substitute will inherit the same maximum amount limitation and code part limitations as the absent authorizer. Also, the superior authorizer of an authorizer will be able to authorize any posting lines assigned to the authorizer. The superior authorizer will not inherit any limitations applied to the authorizer, and will retain his or her own limitations. An authorizer can have super access that will make it possible for him or her to view any posting proposal. Any authorizer with super access can be restricted by code string and amount limitations as any other authorizer.

The authorizer can also allocate costs to several periods in the posting proposal. This is done by selecting the Period Allocation option from the Posting Proposal page or Manage Supplier Invoice page. 

You can authenticate an authorizer by entering a password when authorizing or acknowledging a posting proposal. To do this, the relevant basic data must have been entered on the Company/Invoice/Supplier Invoice Workflow/General tab.

Note: If you authorize a posting line from the Authorize Summary section, all the detail lines connected to the summary line will also be marked as Authorized.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, all the selected posting lines will be authorized, and the Proposal Authorized option will be enabled. When all the lines in the proposal have been authorized, the proposal will be ready for final posting.