Hold Installments for Payment


This activity is used to hold supplier invoice installment(s) against payment. This is done after the installment(s) are authorized for payment.

To hold installment(s) using the Manual Supplier Invoice page, search for the supplier invoice with PostedAuth status that should be put on hold and click Installment Plan and Discounts. Then select the authorized installment(s) and enable OnHold status that should be put on hold and click Installment Plan and Discounts. Then select the authorized installment(s) and enable OnHold option on the installment line(s) to be put on hold.

To hold installment(s) using the Authorize Invoices for Payment page, select the authorized installment(s) and enable the OnHold option of the installment line(s) to be put on hold.

On Hold Reason should be entered through On Hold Reason ID or it can be entered manually (On Hold Reason ID is predefined and is not editable manually). On Hold Reason is fetched automatically if the On Hold Reason ID is selected).


Supplier Installment(s) should be authorized for payment.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,

  • Status of the installment line(s) will change to OnHold/PartlyPaidOnHold and it will not be possible to make payments to these installment(s).
  • On Hold Installment option will be enabled in the invoice header.