Load External Supplier Invoice via E-INVOICE Message


This activity is used to facilitate the loading of external supplier invoices into the external supplier invoice interface using a xml based e-invoice message. The process of receiving an e-invoice begins with an incoming xml file. IFS Connect reads the xml file and passes it to the appropriate BizAPI that will handle the incoming e-invoice. The invoice is created with E-INVOICE creator reference in the external supplier invoice interface. An invoice image and attachments can be embedded in the received invoice message.


In order to perform this activity, the following prerequisites must be satisfied.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, e-invoices will be loaded into the external supplier invoice interface. The invoice images and attachments of the invoices loaded are checked into IFS/Document Management if it is installed. Otherwise, the documents will be saved in IFS/Invoice. If the Automatic Approval option is enabled in the  Supplier/Invoice/Message Defaults tab, then the system would automatically check the e-invoices and create supplier invoices.